Мир охотников на монстров: Лучшие луки в Игре


  • Лук является популярным и эффективным оружием в мире Monster Hunter из -за его точности и подавленного ущерба.
  • Различные луки, такие как сумасшедшая стрела, серебряная гаранда и туман Glacia, предлагают уникальные элементарные эффекты и мощные атаки.
  • Кыны, такие как Anja Arch III и Kjárr Bow Water, выделяются на их высокий элементарный ущерб, что делает их идеальными для столкновения с сильными монстрами.

Monster Hunter World — это игра, сосредоточенная на охоте и побеждающих огромных существ. Игроки имеют свободу выбирать свое предпочтительное оружие для этих сражений, с множеством вариантов, таких как двойные лезвия, длинные мечты, копья, молотки, луковицы и другие, включая универсальный лук. Это оружие, благоприятствующее многим игрокам из -за его эффективности, является одним из самых популярных вариантов в игре.

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Многие бегуны с скоростью предпочитают использовать лук из -за его удобства и огромного урона, что может сделать его чрезмерно мощным. Он может похвастаться неограниченным количеством боеприпасов, его DPS повышается при длительных битвах против жестких монстров, и это особенно точнее, чтобы попасть в критические места. Тем не менее, не все луки изготовлены в равной степени, следовательно, наше решение изучить луки высшего уровня, доступные в мире Monster Hunter.


Безумная стрела

Атаковать силу 324
Защита 0
Аффинность 10%
Элемент 300 дракон (скрытый)
Покрытия Близкий диапазон, власть, яд
Слоты украшения 2-километровый слот, слот с 1 ночкой

Как фанат Hardent Monster Hunter, я не могу не удивляться свежим дополнениям Iceborne, представленного нашему инструментарию, и среди этих новичков ни один из них не выделяется, как сумасшедшая стрела. Этот лук — сила, с которой нужно считаться, способная уничтожить врагов с несколькими стратегически расположенными выстрелами.

Что делает это оружие исключительным, так это его огромная способность наносить урон драконам элементным аспектом. Однако, чтобы полностью использовать возможности этого оружия, игроки должны обладать свободным навыком стихийного/боеприпаса.


Серебряный лук гнева

Атаковать силу 312
Защита 0
Аффинность 20%
Элемент 330 пожар
Покрытия Близкий диапазон, власть, яд
Декоративные прорези прорезь с 1 насечкой

Проще говоря, Серебряный гневный лук — еще одно грозное оружие от Iceborne — может похвастаться огромной способностью уничтожать врагов, нанося колоссальный урон от огня. Этот мощный лук является дополнительным инструментом, который игроки могут использовать для нанесения существенного вреда в своих сражениях.

Игроки, способные одолеть Лазурных Раталов, могут создать это мощное оружие после ряда улучшений. Высший уровень этого оружия доступен только после обновления Лазурного Гневного лука.


Ледниковый туман

Сила атаки 276
Защита 0
Близость 0%
Элемент 450 Кубиков льда
Coatings Close-Range, Power, Poison, Sleep
Decoration Slots 1-notch slot

The Mist Glacia, a top-tier bow, deals substantial damage using the ice element, making it an ideal choice for players aiming to take down foes weak against ice.

This weapon is widely regarded as the top choice for inflicting ice damage in the late game, making it an essential acquisition for players who possess the necessary resources to construct this remarkably potent weapon.


Night Flight

Attack Power 300
Defense 0
Affinity 20%
Element 240 Water (Hidden)
Coatings Close-Range, Power, Poison
Decoration Slots 1-notch slot

Players who successfully defeat Nargacuga in Monster Hunter World can create a bow featuring decent water-based damage, capable of obliterating any adversary it encounters.

The Night Flight becomes more impressive because it deals substantial poison damage, enabling players to function as potent support members, allowing the rest of the team to gradually deplete an enemy’s health.


Tsali Flier

Attack Power 288
Defense 0
Affinity 0%
Element 360 Blast
Coatings Close-Range, Blast
Decoration Slots 1-notch slot

The concept of arrows exploding on contact is certainly enticing, and the Tsali Flier really shines in this aspect. Its 360-degree, elemental damage upon impact proves to be quite potent against a majority of the game’s monsters.

The primary disadvantage of this bow lies in its lack of affinity, which however, seems insignificant when considering the massive damage it inflicts with each strike.


Datura String III

Attack Power 204
Defense 0
Affinity 0%
Element 240 Blast (Hidden)
Coatings Close-Range, Paralysis, Poison
Decoration Slots 2-notch slot, 1-notch slot.

While it may not match the strength of many other bows listed here, the Datura String III remains one of the top-tier bows in the game. It boasts two jewel slots, zero affinity, a potent 240 Blast ability, and a respectable 204 attack power.

Initially, the bow may not appear to pack a significant punch or possess an impressive Elemental attack. But for those who are willing to invest time and level it up gradually, it transforms into a formidable weapon further into the game, boasting Blast Attack 3 which boosts its blast attack by 300. Additionally, arrow coatings can be applied to enhance its performance, offering options such as Close Range, Paralysis or Poison coating, thereby amplifying its overall damage potential.


Dragonbone Bow III

Attack Power 180
Defense 0
Affinity 0%
Element 420 Dragon
Coatings Close-Range, Paralysis, Sleep
Decoration Slots Two 1-notch slots

This Dragonbone Bow III may not excel in raw damage, only dealing 180, but its dragon attribute more than compensates. With a dragon element of 420, it places itself among the top tier bows regarding pure elemental attack power.

As a dedicated gamer, I’m thrilled to share that the element is already unveiled in the game, sparing me the quest for a release jewel to unlock it. To add to the excitement, the Dragonbone Bow III boasts sleep-inducing properties and arrow paralysis, not forgetting its impressive double shot capability!


Doom’s Shaft

Attack Power 240
Defense 0
Affinity 0%
Element 150 Dragon
Coatings Close-Range, Power
Decoration Slots 1-notch slot

Among the ideal weapons for combating the lethal Elder dragons in this game, the Doom’s Shaft stands out. This is a Nergigante bow featuring no Affinity, boasting a robust attack of 240, a high Elderseal rating, and a 150 Dragon element.

This bow features both Close Range and Power coatings. These coatings enhance the harm the bow inflicts, making it particularly effective in close quarters. Ideal for hunters who prefer a tactical approach, this bow delivers significantly increased damage at close range.


Kjárr Bow Spark

Attack Power 216
Defense 0
Affinity 15%
Element 240 Thunder
Coatings Close-Range, Paralysis, Power
Decoration Slots 1-notch slot

The Kjarr Bow Spark features an advantageous Critical Element enhancement, allowing players to inflict critical wounds on monsters more swiftly. Consequently, this eliminates the requirement for two Rathalos Armor components that typically bow users need for increased critical damage.

This bow boasts a 240 Thunder attack, making it second only to the Taroth Bow Hunter in this category. However, it offers more by excelling as an anti-Nergigante weapon. The player can leverage this bow to increase their HP without compromising their offensive skills in the process. Notably, Nergigante is vulnerable to thunder, so the Kjarr Bow Spark effectively counters the monster owing to its comprehensive set of abilities.


Hazak Velos II

Attack Power 228
Defense 0
Affinity 0%
Element 270 Dragon
Coatings Close-Range, Power, Sleep
Decoration Slots 2-notch slot

When encountering elder dragons, remember they’re formidable opponents that require substantial force. That’s why the Hazak Velos II bow could be your ally. This bow boasts 270 Dragon Element, a 0% Affinity rate, and a powerful attack of 228. It’s also equipped with Sleep, Power, and Close Range coatings. The Sleep coating stands out as it has the ability to put dragons to sleep, giving you an opportunity to manage them more efficiently once they’re unconscious.

With Elements, the bow inflicts massive damage, making it difficult for most creatures to pose a significant threat to the player.


Villainous Brace

Attack Power 276
Defense 0
Affinity -25%
Element 210 Dragon
Coatings Close-Range, Power, Poison
Decoration Slots None

As a devoted enthusiast, I’d like to share some exciting insights about The Villainous Brace, a remarkable bow that carries an intriguing trait. This bow’s power is directly proportional to its user’s strength – quite a captivating feature! It’s the perfect arsenal for players who have already honed their abilities and stand tall among their peers.

The Wicked Bow sports a -25% Affinity, boasts a substantial Elderseal, and packs 276 Attack along with 210 Dragon-element attack. Its destructive power is such that it could challenge the Cera Coilbender for supremacy. This configuration ranks among the most potent in the game, primarily due to its association with the Devijho family, and its excellent synergy with powerful characters.


Cera Coilbender

Attack Power 264
Defense 15
Affinity -30%
Element 150 Ice (Hidden)
Coatings Close-Range, Power, Paralysis
Decoration Slots Two 1-notch slots

In the gaming world, I’ve come across a beast known as the Diablos, but more specifically, its variant, the Cera Coilbender. Before the Iceborne expansion, this bad boy boasted the highest raw attack stat in the game. It doesn’t exactly play well with others, though, sporting a -30% Affinity rate. But don’t let that deter you. It makes up for it with level one slots, 264 Attack, an extra 15 defense points, and a whopping 150 Ice Element which can be unlocked through the Awaken skill.

What’s more, this bow comes equipped with three coatings: Close Range, Power, and Paralysis. Each of these attributes adds to its mighty power, making the Cera Coilbender one of the most intimidating weapons in the game.

Even though the -30% Affinity might seem too disadvantageous, the bonus 15 defence makes up for it.


Taroth Arrow Thunder

Attack Power 228
Defense 20
Affinity 10%
Element 360 Thunder (Hidden)
Coatings Close-Range, Power
Decoration Slots One 3-notch slot.

In Monster Hunter: World, there’s no question that this bow stands out as the top choice for Thunder damage. It boasts an impressive 228 Raw Attack power and a staggering 360 Elemental Attack. This weapon is perfect for speedrunners due to its high damage output.

This Taroth Bow Thunder requires some effort to reach its full potential in dealing damage, as it necessitates the collection of certain items and meeting stringent skill requirements. However, for dedicated players, few weapons surpass it.


Anja Arch III

Attack Power 240
Defense 0
Affinity -20%
Element 390 Fire
Coatings Close-Range, Power, Blast
Decoration Slots None

Among fire-dealing bows in Monster Hunter: World, there’s not much competition for the Anja Arch III. In fact, it stands alone as the strongest fire bow and one of the game’s top overall bows. What makes the Anja Arch III particularly appealing is its ease of crafting. Players can create it at the smithy with materials easily obtained from Anjanath.

This bow is already maximally upgraded, making it overpowered against many creatures, as its main flaw is a 20% reduction in affinity. However, players can compensate for this by applying affinity enhancements.


Kjárr Bow Water

Attack Power 240
Defense 0
Affinity 10%
Element 300 Water
Coatings Close-Range, Paralysis, Poison
Decoration Slots None

The Water-infused Kjarr Bow outperforms the Spark version significantly. In fact, it’s safe to say that among all the bows in the game, this one is unquestionably the top performer when it comes to water. It’s capable of challenging even the most formidable monsters in the game, and it might just be the best weapon for tackling the toughest monster: the Extreme Behemoth.

This weapon features a 300 Water Elemental attack, offers a 10% Affinity rate, and boasts a 240 base Attack. Essentially, it gives players an overwhelming sense of power. Typically, the Extreme Behemoth requires multiple players coordinating to be defeated, but one equipped with the Kjarr Bow Water can tackle it alone.

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2025-02-19 17:38